How to Control Comission Eligibity in Price Sets and Price Modifiers

Each user within OnTime can be compensated with a unique commission rate. Whenever a user earns commission on an order, OnTime first looks at the amount available for commission before applying that user's commission rate.
For example: An order has a total cost of $100.00 and the assigned driver earns a 50% commission rate. The assigned price set has been set at 50% eligible for commission, meaning that $50.00 is available for commission calculations. The driver in this example would earn $25.00: 50% of the available $50.00. 
Control how much commission is made available before user compensation is calculated using the steps outlined below:
  1. Open Prices view of OnTime Management Suite.
  2. Choose Price Sets or Price Modifiers radial on the left of your screen.
  3. Open a price set or price modifier.
  4. Enter a percentage into the Percent eligible for commission field.