How to Use the Scan Barcode to Update Status Extension

The Scan Barcode to Update Status extension is an interface to allow for usage of 1D laser barcode scanning devices within OnTime Management Suite or OnTime Dispatch. This extension allows a user to update the status of an order by scanning the barcode found on an order’s shipping label.
A wide variety of barcode scanning hardware is supported, both wired and wireless. All generic keyboard emulation barcode scanners and many programmable barcode scanner models are compatible with this extension. For more details, see the Device Compatibility section below.


This extension can be downloaded from the OnTime Extensions site and is provided without additional charge. Use the following steps to install this extension:
  1. Download the extension from the OnTime Extensions website.
  2. If prompted, click Run or Save.
  3. If you chose Save, double-click the download to start installing.
For more information, see How to Install an OnTime Extension.

Getting Started

  1. Open OnTime Management Suite or OnTime Dispatch.
  2. Navigate to the Tracking view.
  3. At the top of the window, within the Tracking tab, click on the button labeled Scan Barcode to Update Status.
  4. Ensure a compatible barcode scanning device is connected via USB, Bluetooth, etc. (see Device Compatibility below).

Updating the Status of an Order

  1. Select a status to apply to scanned shipments via the drop-down box labeled Update status to. Optionally supply a custom status label to provide additional details alongside the status update by entering text in the Status label text box.
  2. If the scan should also update the user currently assigned to the order, check the box labeled Update currently assigned user. Choose the desired user from the list. Check the Update user assigned to collection or Update user assigned to delivery boxes if the selected driver should also be applied to those fields.
  3. Scan a barcode containing a matching tracking number registered within OnTime.
  4. Verify that the tracking number displayed within the Barcode Scan Result box is green, indicating a successful status update. Additionally, confirm that the recently scanned barcode appears within the history table at the bottom of the window.
  5. Repeat step 3 for any remaining shipments. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for shipments that require different status or assignment updates.


When I scan a barcode, the 'Barcode Scan Result' box appears as red.
This typically occurs because the tracking number that was received from the barcode did not match any order or shipment's tracking number within your OnTime account. Ensure that the tracking number is appearing as expected within the 'Barcode Scan Result' box and that an order or shipment exists with a matching tracking number within your OnTime account and try again.   
If you are confident that the tracking number matches an existing order or shipment, an internal error may be occurring that prevents the status update.
Consult the informational box directly right of the 'Status Description' box for more information regarding what error has occurred. Contact OnTime Customer Support if the error persists.
The extension is not doing anything when I scan a barcode with my scanner.
If your scanner is not a compatible programmable Zebra, Motorola, or Symbol scanner (i.e. a keyboard emulation scanner), the extension window must be focused at all times in order to recognize incoming scanning results. Usage of the bottom-most status bar's current display value can help determine the current focus state of the extension window. If the extension window is not focused, the extension will display 'Refocus window to detect scanner input' in the bottom-most status bar.
When the extension window is focused, the extension will display 'Ready' in the bottom-most status bar and will accept scanner input at any time. If your scanner is a compatible programmable Zebra scanner, the 'Refocus window to detect scanner input' message may not display and will accept scanner input regardless of the window's focused state.
The 'Barcode Scan Result' box contains ERROR and appears as red.
Restart OnTime Management Suite or OnTime Dispatch, then disconnect and reconnect any connected scanners. If applicable, consult the informational box directly right of the 'Status Description' box for more information regarding what error has occurred. Contact OnTime Customer Support if the error persists.
Can this extension support multiple scanners at once?
Yes. This extension is expected to accept input from any combination of supported scanners.

Device Compatibility

The Scan Barcode to Update Status extension is compatible will all keyboard emulation barcode scanning devices.
This extension is also compatible with the following Zebra, Motorola, or Symbol programmable barcode scanning devices:
  • DS3408 Handheld Scanner
  • DS3608-DP DS3678-DP Ultra Rugged Scanners
  • DS3608-ER DS3678-ER Ultra Rugged Scanners
  • DS3608-HD DS3678-HD Ultra Rugged Scanners
  • DS3608-HP DS3678-HP Ultra Rugged Scanners
  • DS3608-SR DS3678-SR Ultra Rugged Scanners
  • DS457 Series
  • DS4800 Series
  • DS6878-DL
  • DS6878-HC
  • DS6878-SR Cordless Bluetooth 2D Imager
  • DS8100 Series
  • DS9208 Omnidirectional Hands-Free Presentation Imager
  • DS9908-HD
  • DS9908-SR
  • DS9908R-HD
  • DS9908R-SR
  • LI2208
  • LI3608-ER
  • LI3608-SR
  • LI4278
  • LS9203i General Purpose Bar Code Scanner
  • MP6000 Scanner Scale
  • Symbol DS4308
  • Symbol DS4308-HC
  • Symbol DS4308P
  • Symbol DS7708
  • Symbol DS9808 Hybrid Presentation Imager
  • Symbol LS2208 General Purpose Bar Code Scanner
  • Symbol LS3008 Rugged Bar Code Scanner
  • Symbol LS4208 General Purpose Bar Code Scanner
  • Symbol LS4278 Cordless General Purpose Bar Code Scanner
  • Symbol LS7708 General Purpose Presentation Scanner

Customize the Barcode Scanning Extension

The source code for this project has been made available on GitHub. The license permits you to customize and extend this extension to meet your business' needs.