The OnTime API automatically calculates the pricing (i.e. the TotalCost field) for any order submitted through the following endpoint:
REST API: POST /api/order/post
However, the following endpoint can also be used to determine the pricing on an order:
REST API: POST /api/order/getTotalCost
This endpoint accepts an order object that uses multiple factors to determine the TotalCost field value for the given order. These factors include the following fields:
- PriceSet
- Customer
- CollectionLocation
- CollectionLocation.Zone
- DeliveryLocation
- DeliveryLocation.Zone
- Distance
- BasePrice
- BasePriceType (see below)
The following BasePriceType values should be used to determine the method of price calculation:
1 = ZoneToZone
2 = Distance
3 = FlatRate
An example of a simplified ZoneToZone pricing method request is shown below:
"BasePriceType": 1,
"PriceSet": "5c9a9f70-5bc4-4593-b516-cbd9344bf536",
"Customer": "bf49c3d8-b3dc-48a0-8f58-60562e50d692",
"CollectionLocation": {
"Zone": {
"ID": "b723a724-d753-43b4-b8f0-4fffd0ed1c56",
"ID": "720bb7bf-35fa-458c-92a6-28b34c1a3c99",
"DeliveryLocation": {
"Zone": {
"ID": "54208101-e29d-4567-9f86-b53b13fe0bdf",
"Name": "Grants Pass",
"PostalCodes": "97504,97502,97524"
"ID": "91d6c0fd-b129-4c14-a685-b710390b69f5",
... }