Time and Distance Calculations on Time Sheets

Administrators have the ability to view the timesheet of a user who works for the company. These timesheets contain four columns: Date, Dispatcher Time, Driver Time, and Distance. Each row in the timesheet displays the total time and distance for the user on a specific date.
In order for the Dispatcher Time column to display data, ensure dispatchers are selecting Clock In from the Home tab, in OnTime Dispatch. When the dispatcher selects Clock Out, the time from when they clocked into when they clocked out will be displayed in the Dispatcher Time column.
Driver Time works the same way, only with drivers and OnTime Mobile. When a driver signs in to OnTime Mobile, they need to select Clock In, and Clock Out when their day is complete. The resulting time will be displayed in the Driver Time column.
Distance traveled is based on readings taken from the vehicles' odometer. When a vehicle with a Fleet ID is entered into OnTime Management Suite, drivers are able to select that vehicle during the Clock In/Out process and enter what the odometer displays. The difference in odometer readings indicates the distance traveled.