OnTime 360's Management Suite and Dispatch applications include our powerful Tracking view, which offers a variety of features that help to streamline and automate courier business-related tasks. As an OnTime user, you can our tools, such as the Advanced Search and Quick Views, to customize the Tracking view to display information in the best way for you.

With our Advanced Search feature, you can filter your Tracking view by any field on a shipment. Those advanced searches can then be saved as a pre-set view, or a Quick View. From the Tracking View, you can later select those Quick Views and OnTime will display search results based on your saved preferences. With Quick Views, you can tailor OnTime’s already efficient Tracking view to work quicker and better for each manager and dispatcher in your company.

As information is added into OnTime by you or other users, the saved Quick Views will update automatically. The most up-to-date, relevant information will be displayed, based on your customized searches.
The comprehensive criteria available in OnTime’s advanced search will allow you to utilize your Quick Views to organize and help perform time-consuming tasks within your delivery business. For example, you can save a customer-specific Quick View and export the data as an Excel or CSV file. Reporting for that customer will then be simplified.

OnTime 360’s Quick Views feature will help your company avoid day-to-day tedium and improve overall efficiency. This feature is included with every OnTime subscription level, which means that your company can enjoy these benefits today starting at $9.95/month.