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What is Considered a Shipment?

For billing purposes, OnTime defines a shipment as "a record containing information about the transportation of an object from one place to another." A shipment typically consists of a collection location, delivery location, and information about how the object will be transported. Within OnTime, this is often referred to as an Order.

A shipment is always represented in the Tracking view of the OnTime desktop applications as a single row.

The users of an OnTime account are in control of the number of shipments/orders submitted.

If you have additional questions about shipment pricing, contact OnTime Sales.

We've been using OnTime 360 for just about a year now and each day we seem to be learning something new about it. The care and patience of the support and customer service teams helped us to understand how amazingly powerful and flexible the system truly is. Great stuff!

Chris Castellarin | Greenway Courier Service Ltd